Katrin Bucher Trantow

The Elastic Self

To be “elastic” means to give way under stress, to be flexible. To spring back into form, and most of all not to break under pressure. This quality, in combination with stability, is desirable in both materials and people that one must depend on. A high degree of elasticity and adaptability paired with an inner strength guarantee durability, maximizing the likelihood of survival.

The exhibition The Elastic Self – presented by artist Petra Sterry at the Rondell Gallery in Schwanberg, Austria in early 2019 – brings together works from the last three or four years. Some were made by her hand, some by the hands of others. Among the artist’s own creations are large-format text pieces entitled Trigger Warnings, which assemble four words under star-shaped symbols. Short poems, emotional islands, intensifying admonitions are formed by verbal columns like the following: hate, fight, doubt, anger or love, curiosity, joy, lust.

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